Working with clay and crafts to create mythical creatures like unicorns, mermaids and dragons is a wonderful way to delve into the realms of fantasy and imagination. Each of these creatures has its own unique characteristics and aesthetics, providing endless possibilities for your artistic creations.
You'll not only get to explore your artistic abilities but also learn about the folklore and legends associated with these mythical creatures. It's an opportunity to let your imagination soar and bring these fantastical beings into existence through your own hands. You will have a magical and inspiring time crafting these mythical creatures during your camp!
Studio: Golden Square
Age: 4 and up
Date: July 24 - 28 (Golden Square)
Spots: 10
Weekly Tuition: $280
* tax, materials and all other fee included
使用粘土和工藝品創造獨角獸、美人魚和龍等神話生物是深入幻想和想像領域的絕妙方式。 每一種生物都有其獨特的特性和審美,為您的藝術創作提供無限可能。
您不僅可以探索自己的藝術才能,還可以了解與這些神話生物相關的民間傳說和傳說。 這是一個讓您的想像力騰飛並通過您自己的雙手將這些奇幻生物變為現實的機會。
年齡 : 4歲及以上
畫室 : 黃金廣場 Golden Square ONLY
日期 : July 24 - 28 (Golden Square)
名額 : 10
學費: $280
* 包括稅、材料費和所有費用