Blue Tadpole Studio is a place where children have fun learning to express themselves through various art media. By exposing them to different art forms and media, their hidden talents can be revealed and, with the right guidance from our instructors, given true expression. Parents will be amazed at what their children can achieve.
Children will also learn to appreciate art, and the skill and patience that go into creating a work of art. Through the different projects that they work on, they will understand that art is not just fun but also doing one’s best with patience and dedication.
蝌蝌畫室為兒童提供一個活潑生動的學習環境。他們學習利用不同的材料表達自己,透過對各種藝 術模式和媒介的接觸,並藉著畫室導師的悉心教導,他們的藝術潛質得以發掘及表達出來。 兒童亦學習如何欣賞藝術,以及明白從事藝術創作所需的技巧和耐性。在創作過程中,他們會了解 到,藝術不單止有趣味,還需要耐心和專注,盡力而為。